
David Fischer is special counsel in the Governmental Practice in the firm's Washington, D.C. office and a leader of its Organizational Integrity Group.

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In the high-stakes realm of False Claims Act (FCA) litigation per-claim penalties can reach daunting levels that dwarf even treble damages. A recent ruling from the Eighth Circuit Court provides valuable guidance on the limits of penalties under the Constitution’s Excessive Fines Clause (Clause). In Grant ex rel. United States v. Zorn the Eighth Circuit provides clarity applying the Clause in FCA litigation, specifically identifying when a penalty for purely economic loss offenses might be considered excessive. Of relevance, the Court held that:

Continue Reading There Are Limits! Reining In FCA Penalties Pursuant to the Excessive Fines Clause


David Fischer is special counsel in the Governmental Practice in the firm's Washington, D.C. office and a leader of its Organizational Integrity Group.

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